Sunday, March 28, 2010

Studies in Composition

My first digital journey was to study composition which includes what does and doesn't make for a good photograph. I'm always amazed at how two people can be in the same place with a camera and one picture is so blah while the other has a life of it's own. The first thing was choosing a subject and for someone whose history of photography was just picking up the P&S (point and shoot) this was a bit tough for me. I took 413 photos this weekend and ended up keeping 10. Because I was studying composition I decided to go black and white. I'll save the color for later. ;)

Hopefully you can find one or two that you really like and comment on could also find one or two that could use some work and comment on those also. Either one is appreciated.


1 comment:

  1. I especially like the picture of the street between the two buildings -- has great depth, and the picture just spoke to me about so many things concerning life - beautiful!
